The azure maps might not work for Chinese users😅, I can’t access to the Azure maps when I didn’t start my vpn proxy. Emm, I’m thinking about that the issue might not be the maps provider, because I can access to thunderforest, and openstreetmaps without a vpn connection. Is the leaflet scripts for this extension using cdn, or is it storage locally?🦊🦊 BTW, I really appreciate your work.🦊
The top three maps providers in China should be
1. Gaode maps (Amap / Alibaba maps service)
Official website:
Official Api docs:
An example I found that use leaflet with amap:
2. Baidu Maps
Official website:
Official Api docs:
Example using Baidu maps with leaflet:
3. Tencent Maps
Official website:
Official Api docs:
Example I found:
Note: I don’t know if all the webpages above have English version available, if any of them don’t have an English version available, please just tell me. Also, some Chinese companies are just not as open to public as the companies in other countries, so there might be some difficulties using their api. 😅
Thank you again for your work, and looking forward to receiving a reply from you. 🦊
p.s. I went a long distance cycling today, and is really tired now, I will check whether the scripts for the extension use a cdn, or store locally tomorrow using my computer.🦊